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Verbal Warning Letter

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Is anyone able to provide guidance on how to draft a verbal warning letter to an employee who failed to return their passport after returning from a vacation? The employee worked for six days following the vacation before handing the passport to the Human Resources Department.

  1. Hi Veni, As per Indian Embassy, passports are the property of the employee. We cannot demand or issue a warning for its return. You may inform the Operations Manager/ Project Manager to persuade the employee to return the passport, otherwise their salary will be suspended or they will be dismissed. Regards

  2. Hi, I have an employee from the Philippines who has been on vacation for two months and has not returned the passport to HR after the vacation. HR has asked for the passport after five days, and the employee has now provided it. We need to issue a verbal warning letter, so I am looking for the format.

  3. Verbal warning is an unwritten or spoken caution. If the employee repeats this action, they will be terminated and sent back home, and the days they failed to return the passport will be treated as absent and the salary for those days will not be paid. You can post this message at the passport section and ask the employees to read it when they receive the passport. I am responsible for the 12000 employees of our group and their HR formalities. In our company, we use a form called Notification of Return from Vacation. After returning from vacation, they should submit this form along with the passport. Upon receiving the form and passport, the passport controller verifies the arrival stamps on the passport and signs it. After the Project Manager and Operations Manager sign it, the form is forwarded to Payroll to start the salary, thus reducing the risk.

  4. We have a format that must be followed when an employee returns from vacation. This includes filling out a resumption form and submitting a passport. My staff failed to adhere to this procedure, so I would like to issue them a written warning.

  5. If they fail to adhere to the process, they must link this form to Payroll. Until they have submitted the necessary documents, their salary will not be disbursed.

  6. It is important to make a formal inquiry about this. If the individual in question has willfully defaulted on submitting the passport, then a warning should be issued. Before issuing the warning, it is important to declare the procedures and terms to all workers. This should include the company’s standing order that the passport must be returned to the HRD along with the required documents. Even though the government rule is against this, the company has the right to maintain their own governing rules. By following the official procedures, this type of problem can be eliminated. This includes collecting the worker’s ID card and security pass before issuing the passport and returning the same after the passport is received. If these procedures are already being practiced in your company, then a warning should be issued to the HR staff asking about their default in not collecting the passport from the vacation returnee.

  7. I’m not sure what your company policy states, but I don’t believe you can require an employee to submit a passport. However, upon returning from sick leave, you can request a medical certificate. If they have submitted a valid leave form indicating they wanted to take vacation and they have the days available, then they were on leave. Thank you

  8. If one wishes to issue a written warning, how would they classify it as verbal? Additionally, why should an employee surrender their passport to Human Resources when it is their own personal property?

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